Multi-Order Cumulant Analysis (MOCA, non-peer reviewed)

This module helps to perform MOCA on the measurements and extract photophysical properties of the emitters. MCOA is non-peer reivewed.

Multi-order cumulant analysis (MOCA) is based on an analytical relationship between multi-order SOFI cumulants and photophysical parameters of emitters (blinking on-time ratio and on-time brightness), and locally search for the mostlikely spatial distribution of these parameters.



To calculate moment-reconstructed images, on-time ratio map and brightness map:

ac, rho_map, eps_map = moca.moca(filename, filepath, tauSeries=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],frames=[0,1000], mask_dim=(301,301), res=1000)

To add a transparency map and plot the on-time ratio map:

rho_map_color = visualization.add_transmap(rho_map, ac[2], 'cool')
plt.imshow(rho_map_color, cmap='cool')